Would you like to be part of the Sydney-based 'Highly Strung' Harp Ensemble?
- (It's more fun than playing on your own!)
- Meetings are held every month or so on a Saturday afternoon in Humph Hall.
- Participants are asked to learn the parts you choose before the meeting.
- Download the music from the links on the Music page or ask for them by snail mail.
If you are interested, contact Noni Dickson (02) 9653 3691.

Dates for 2025: (Nominally the 4th Sat. of each month at 1pm)
- 25th January
- 15th February
- 15th March
- 26th April
- 31st May
- 28th June
- 26th July
- 23rd August
- 27th September
- 18th October
- 29th November
Go to old web site.